I don't remember where I heard it, but the other day, I heard someone say, "A lot can happen in twelve months." How true it is. If you think back through the past twelve months of your life, what has changed? If you are anything like me, there are too many things to count - and that is just speaking of the things you remember.
As I was looking back through the archives of the pictures we took this past year, I found myself saying, "Oh yeah, I guess I did that this past year too." Due to the new fiscal year, my wife and I just recently went through all of our receipts from 2009. Boy, how some of the memories flooded back with the help of those little paper reminders. And yet there were a few that I just knew somebody else had sneaked into the pile because I clearly had no recollection of purchasing a 102702 EW PNE E&C 5/16"X3.5"X8' from Lowes.

Anyway, the point is, life happens. Time marches on, and try as we may to prevent it, we are all getting older. I have always been amazed, when certain landmark moments circle back around every year, how much things change. The people in our lives, our influences, our family, our possessions, our financial position, our outlook on life. When you consider the big picture of your life - are you concentrating on what is most important? Have you defined what is most important to you?
Are you where you want to be, doing what you want to do? Are you
where God wants you, doing exactly
what God wants you to do? Are these one in the same? They can be. Psalm 37:4 says "Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give the the desires of thine heart." I believe this goes both ways. Not only will God give you what
you desire, but he will give you the
Think back over the last twelve months of your life. If you could do it over again, what would you do differently? Consider today as God's gift to you to start doing things differently. Change your future. Disturb your present.